di Alessandro Sgobbo

Water Sensitive Urban Planning

Approach and opportunities in Mediterranean Metropolitan Areas


giugno 2018

a cura di: 



Numero di pagine: 


Mese di pubblicazione: 

Giugno, 2018

F.to (cm) 15x21

Formato digitale

ISBN: 978-88-7603-178-6

Prezzo al pubblico: 

Formato cartaceo 
30.00 €
Formato digitale 
12.90 €


Project at building / neighbourhood scale are preferred to long planning and conflicting decision-making processes. On the contrary, this book shows a different perspective, suggesting that contemporary needs of resilience and ecological regeneration find in planning practices both greater effectiveness and that efficiency essential in times of austerity.

The results of the Research Project Mediterranean Water Sensitive Urban Planning (WSUP) focusing on urban water management, shows that a holistic approach to urban complexity, overcoming the building scale and specialized perspectives, enhances the multi-functional and multi scalar quality of similar actions proposed by Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) and the Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS).

Metropolitan City of Naples is a setting full of all problems generally faced in Mediterranean metropolises by implementation of European best practices. In this territory, with a planner friendly model, dynamically measuring the effects of planning and regulatory actions on the drainage needs, it was possible a comparative assessment of alternative design and planning approaches.

The surprising results of this research show that, although research in product innovation is very prolific, the issues of resilience and regeneration in planning still offer many opportunities for studies focusing on process innovation.

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